At Shuff’s Music, we pride ourselves on using only experienced, professionally-trained technicians for all instrument services.

Piano Moving
With some pianos weighing in at as much as 1,300 lbs., we recommend that you use a piano moving specialist, as there are specific techniques, equipment, and training needed to move these delicate instruments safely. That’s why here at Shuff’s, we leave the moving to the professionals.
We have proudly used Acme Moving Service for all of our piano moves for over 20 years. Acme Moving Service is a full-line moving service that specializes in piano moves. Call Acme for all your moving needs at 615-533-3523.
If you are looking to move a piano long-distance, please call our friends at Modern Piano Moving at 1-800-737-5600 or visit www.modernpiano.com.

Piano Tuning
Keeping a showroom full of pianos properly maintained is a full-time job, and that’s why we only use the best registered piano technicians to service our instruments. Whether your piano needs to be tuned, voiced, or just inspected, please call one of our experts to set up an appointment.

Piano Technicians
Jon Loyd
Call (615) 348-7195 or visit ptnashville.com
Lindsay Robison
Call (209)747-5921 or visit tuneituppianos.com
Kent Burnside (Grand Pianos Only)
Call (615) 430-0653 or email ksburnside@comcast.net
Jonathan Rizzo
Text (518) 786-7877 or visit AmericanPianoTuning.com

Band and Orchestra Repair
We are proud to have TJ Herrick working with us for band and orchestra repairs. TJ is a repair technician, songwriter and musician. He completed his band instrument repair training at Western Iowa Tech and previously owned Nashville Band Repair with his wife Nancy. There he worked on instruments of all levels and developed a loyal professional customer base. He is Nashville’s only technician certified to install and repair Straubinger TM pads. A talented musician, TJ plays clarinet, saxophone and occasionally performs on flute, mandolin, bass guitar and guitar. TJ makes a weekly pick up at Shuff’s Music and typically all repairs are returned the following week. There is no charge for estimates and short term rentals are available.

Monday-Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday: 10am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed
118 3rd Ave. North
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 790-6139